The Town of Southeast, NY
Press Releases

Putnam County, New York

Town of Southeast releases master plan 4/22/03
A full version of the Town's Comprehensive Master Plan is available here.

Residential Moratorium 3/14/2002
The Zoning Code needs to be adjusted in order to accommodate the Master Plan's findings that large tracts of undeveloped residentially zoned areas throughout the Town need to be increased to minimum lot sizes of 4-acres; up from 1 or 2 acre lot sizes.

The Town Board believes that this "up zoning" is critical in order to preserve Southeast's rural character, reduce the need for expanded services, like schools and fire protection, protect drinking water and aquifers as well as promote more open space throughout the Town.

Special emphasis on set backs will be critical to ensure spacing between homes and buffers between critical environmental areas.

Route 22 – Route 84 to Doansburg Road Moratorium
The Zoning Code needs to be adjusted in order to accommodate the delays in improving Route 22.  Traffic flow on Route 22 is a critical quality of life issue.   Congestion is now apparent at all hours of the day, and it is getting worse.

Town Board is concerned that any new large-scale projects would have catastrophic consequences on traffic flow, safety, storm water runoff, etc. Worsening an already unacceptable situation.

Most of these concerns would seemingly be addressed by the DOT's expansion plans, but such plans are not slated for possible construction until 2004, at the earliest.  This has left any improvements, such as traffic light timing,  in limbo, leaving the Town no choice but to stop commercial growth on this congested regional artery.

Another point is the apparent problems in the zoning code. The best example is that two car washes were built very close to each other on this segment of Route 22.  Ensuring a better diversity of commercial opportunities needs to be better addressed.

Route 312 Moratorium

The Zoning Code needs to be adjusted in order to accommodate the development on Route 312 as well as scrutinize any development along the Tilly Foster Farm preserve being acquired by Putnam County and the Town.

OP –3 Moratorium

The Zoning Code needs to be adjusted in order to clarify that the legislative intent for OP-3, namely that any residential development that occurs must be rolled out simultaneously with commercial growth.

The intent was to ensure that the impact of residential growth on local services, like schools, would be mitigated by an increase in commercial assessable to the Town and more importantly, the Brewster School District.





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Town Hall, 1 Main Street, Brewster, NY 10509